
信息类型:变压器组件 商品原价 商品原价 优惠价格 品牌 单位 上架日期:2011-11-03 09:26:10 人气:470

Oil Treatment Plant

What is an oil treatment plant?

Transformer oil is generally mixed with gas, water and contaminants. The content of the contaminants generally increases with time. In the oil treatment plants (OTP) these associated gases, water and contaminants are separated from the oil and taken away. In transformer applications, it is electrically critical that the oil does not contain too much of these substances. After treating the oil in the oil treatment plant, the stabilized oil is then again ready to be used in power transformers.

The plant is laid out for the following operations:

--Degassing, dewatering and filtering of transformer oil
The oil treatment plant is specially designed for degassing, dewatering and filtrating crude oil. The OTP is used for treating the unqualified oil, especially the contaminants in the oil.

--Drying of electrical apparatuses while simultaneously treating the oil on-site when filling the electrical apparatuses with oil. The OTP is used for transformer installation and overhaul on-site.

--OTP’s can be used for regeneration of transformer oil. In this application the OTP improves the quality indexes of old oil that has been used for a long time in a power transformer.




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